Research Priorities of Epidemiology and Disease Registry Research Committee
1. Epidemiology and design of health interventions in the prevention and control of common and endemic diseases
2. Epidemiology and registry of diseases
3. Epidemiology and prevention of home, occupational and road accidents
4. Prevention of non-communicable diseases and quantitative and qualitative health promotion
5. Epidemiology, etiology, and control of high-risk behaviors in youth by emphasizing education and change of attitude
6. Epidemiology, prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of substance abuse
7. Epidemiology, early prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diabetes
8. Epidemiology, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation ofosteoporosis
9. Epidemiology, etiology, prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of Psychological disorders
10. Epidemiology, treatment, and rehabilitation of pulmonary diseases (with an emphasis on COPD and pulmonary tumors)
11. Epidemiology and control of common skin diseases
12. Data registration of prioritized diseases
13. Application of new epidemiology methods in recognition and prevention of infectious diseases
14. Methods for prevention, treatment, and control of emerging diseases
15. Water and foodborne communicable diseases
16. Determining the load of non-communicable diseases
17. Epidemiology and control of immune deficiency and autoimmune diseases